If I pay the fine now, can I just speed for the rest of the day?

This story (text below) could be one of the better, if most hare-brained, ideas of the day. It might end up collecting far more than the Nevada State Police ever could in speeding tickets. And the resulting Darwinian effects could make Nevada a much more desirable place to visit.

(if you didn't see it already, this is sarcasm!)

CARSON CITY, Nev. – One Nevada gubernatorial hopeful sees a speedy fix to Nevada's budget crisis. Nonpartisan candidate Eugene "Gino" DiSimone believes people would pay for the privilege to drive up to 90 mph on designated highways — and fill the state's depleted coffers.

DiSimone calls his idea the "free limit plan." He estimates the plan would bring in $1 billion a year.

First, vehicles would have to pass a safety inspection. Then vehicle information would be loaded into a database, and motorists would purchase a transponder.

After setting up an account, anyone in a hurry could dial in, and for $25 charged to a credit card, be free to speed for 24 hours.

The Nevada Highway Patrol isn't keen on the idea, saying it would lead to increased injuries and traffic deaths