Transparency, proved: Sneak-force at Work (from SellingPower)

Item one: Today I received a comment on yesterday’s blog post from Larry Ellison. Since the email came through a gmail account, I was a little suspicious of the identity of the sender. Our IT department traced the email account to an IP address belonging to

Item two: Yesterday my review of Marc Benioff’s book on appeared with a two star rating. A British blogger referred to it in his post. Today my book review was removed and the reference in the blog was removed.

Question: Benioff has staged fake protests against his competitor Siebel (outlined in his book on page 36) where he hired actors that pretended to be a TV crew from the local station KMNS.

What’s next? Will Marc Benioff pretend to be Moses, appearing from the Cloud with a stone tablet sharing his online version of the Ten Commandments? First commandment: Thou shalt do anything you can get away with.

Transparency has become religion in the social media world. If my friends at SellingPower who are (with due respect) not quite up to hacker skills, can find this, you can be sure your tricks will be found out.

A cautionary tale.